


尚春峰,深圳市神经科学研究院研究员,深圳大学脑疾病与认知科学研究中心副教授。2011年毕业于中国科学院神经科学研究所,获得博士学位。综合应用电生理学、光学成像、心理物理学、光遗传学、纳米材料和转基因操作等多种手段以及大规模数据统计分析,在细胞分泌机制、活体动物上神经调质检测、视知觉神经环路机制、基础认知行为的全脑神经元环路机制等方向取得了一些成果,部分已发表于 Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Physiology, PNAS 等国际权威期刊,并在 Current Opinions in Physiology 发表综述文章。


  1. Shang, C.F.+*, Wang, Y.F.+, Du, J.L.*. (2019). Information integration for motor control. Current Opinion in Physiology, 8,116-120.
  2. Jiao, Z.F.+, Shang, C.F.+*, Wang, Y.F.+, Yang, Z., Yang, C., Li, F.N., Xie, J.Z., Pan, J.W., Fu, L.*, Du, J.L.*. (2018). All-optical imaging and manipulation of whole-brain neuronal activities in behaving larval zebrafish. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(12),6154-6169.
  3. l zebrafish. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(12),6154-6169. Steve Rose著, 尚春峰、许多译. 大脑的未来. 北京: 科学出版社, 2016.
  4. Shang, C.F., Li, X.Q., Yin, C., Liu, B., Wang, Y.F., Zhou, Z.*, Du, J.L.*. Amperometric Monitoring of Sensory-Evoked Dopamine Release in Awake Larval Zebrafish. (2015). The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(46),15291-15294.
  5. Shang, C.F., Dan, Y., Poo, M.M.*, Wang, Z.R.*. Periodic Stimulation Induces Long-Range Modulation of Cortical Responses and Visual Perception. (2011). Journal of Physiology, 589(13),3125-3133.
  6. Yu, X.+, Duan, K.L.+, Shang, C.F., Yu, H.G., Zhou, Z.*. (2004) Calcium influx through hyperpolarization-activated cation channels (Ihchannels) contributes to activity-evoked neuronal secretion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(4),1051-1056.